The best credit cards to build credit are those that offer a wide range of benefits. These benefits may include cash back, travel protections, store credits, or more. These rewards will offset the annual fee and encourage you to use your card more often than other forms of payment. However, you should pay close attention to the specifics of each card’s rewards program and redemption options.
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The best credit card to build credit for you depends on your personal credit history and budget. Those with poor or no credit should consider opening a credit card that offers rewards and does not require a credit check. For those with fair or poor credit, an open-sky secured credit card is a good choice.
A card with no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees may be a good choice for building credit. It also offers rewards to reward responsible behavior. It offers 1% cash back on eligible purchases for the first year, and increases to 1.5% after 12 on-time monthly payments. It can also earn up to 10% in cash back at select retailers. URL :
A student credit card may be the best option. These cards usually come with a small credit limit and scaled-down benefits and fees, but they are easier to get approved for. Secured credit cards are another option, although they do come with a security deposit that will act as your credit limit.